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Learn More

We are blessed to have a MEF grant for full access to all Nearpod content for grades 3-5, but even without FULL access to the entire library, this resource is still one that every teacher should consider adding to their repertoire.  You may just find yourself using it daily, as it is that easy and THAT powerful no matter your grade.  Nearpod takes simple presentations and takes it up several notches by adding interactive elements that students can engage with on any type of device providing opportunities for increased student engagement and of course summative and formative assessment.  There also is a vast library of pre-created and curated lessons, some from other teachers but many from Nearpod's partner relationships.  As if that is not enough to love about Nearpod, you can't overlook the COOLEST Nearpod feature:  Nearpod VR (which can be used with or without goggles)!



Is it in Spanish?

Yes and No.  No there is no automatic translation for all of the amazing pre-created lessons available in English.  However you can create your own content in Spanish and it has many resources specifically designed for English Language Learners, learn more.



What is the difference between a Live Lesson and a Student Paced Lesson?

Simply explained a Live Lesson is one that the teacher is leading and pacing the students.  This tends to be more of a whole group lesson.  Student Paced lessons allow students to control the lesson and is often used for individual instruction or small groups.  Checkout this video to learn more.


What devices work with Nearpod?

One of Nearpod's best features is that it works on so many devices.  It will work on your iPads, your Smartboard, student laptops, you could even control it with your phone if you wanted to.  



What kind of lessons will I find in the library? 

The extensive Nearpod lesson library is where you will find high quality resources created by master teachers or in cooperation with partners like ReadWorks, Common Sense Media, Phet,, CodeMonkey, iCivics and MORE! You can search by keyword, topic or TEK (standard)!


Can I share my own lessons with other teachers?

Yes!  Share your lessons to the school library or directly share lessons between teachers.  There are also new Sub Plan features designed especially for those days when you won't be there.


Task 1:  Learn more about Nearpod and all of its features.  Look through the resources above.  Then setup your account and find at least two pre-made lessons you could use with your students. 


Task 2:  Use the resources above and others you find to create your OWN Nearpod lesson.  You can import pre-created slides from Google Drive or PowerPoint, no need to reinvent the wheel, but DO add several deliberate interactive elements to engage students.


Task 3:  Determine how you will use Nearpod with students.  Think outside of the box.  Could you use it to simplify any daily routines?  How can you use it in multiple subjects?  How can you use it to help engage and differentiate?  Plan out how to introduce students to Nearpod in whole group and student paced lessons. 


Bonus Task:  Download the Nearpod App to your phone and using a cheap Google cardboard, or a VR headset if available take yourself on a VR field trip!  Imagine how you could use this with your students!  Where could you take them? 

Claim your Badge

Please complete this brief survey to help TLC and future technology professional development improve and then download and save a copy of the Nearpod badge.  Visit the Show Off page to learn about ideas of how to share the badges you earn.   Consider leaving comments below with additional questions, tips for others or feedback that was not included in the survey.

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