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SAMR Teacher


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Technology for technology's sake is a sad use of these powerful tools.  The SAMR Model helps teachers take their lessons and student activities to higher levels.  Dr. Ruben Puentedura champion's this model for technology implementation in the classroom.   There are times to use the Enhancement level of the model, S- Substitution and A-Augmentation, but teachers are also encouraged to reach for the Transformation level of M-Modification and R-Redefinition to make the most of technology tools and student learning opportunities.  As you research SAMR using the resources below keep your own lessons, classroom procedures and students in mind.  



What does SAMR stand for?

Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition


Is SAMR the only model for technology use?

No, and as you can see from these resources it is an ever evolving model. There are also TPack, and the Tiers of Technology Integration.  However, SAMR is the recognized leader and prefered model in McKinney ISD.


Do teachers need to aim for Modification and Redefinition EVERY time they use technology?!

No, that is unrealistic.  Sometimes you are just using the SmartBoard as a good old fashioned writing surface, other times you are using it to open up an entire world for your students.  Reach for higher levels when possible.


What software and apps can we use?

Great question!  We are blessed to work in a district that takes student privacy and data very seriously.  They also want to find the best digital tools to impact instruction.  Before using any software or apps please consult the MCKINNEY ISD APPROVED SOFTWARE LIST (“Software” is defined as both online and stand-alone digital resources).  If you do not find what you are looking for please speak to your MRS and together you may consider submitting MISD DIGITAL RESOURCE APPROVAL FORM.  


Does this apply to FREE apps and software?

Yes.  Nothing is TRULY free (ever think Facebook, GMail or Alexa are spying on you when they seem to read your mind......) and you may simply be paying for it with a different currency.  Before using any software or apps please consult the MCKINNEY ISD APPROVED SOFTWARE LIST (“Software” is defined as both online and stand-alone digital resources). 


Students in McKinney ISD are lucky to have so much technology available to them from class iPads to class laptops, desktops to computer labs and the Learning Commons.  This technology should be an advantage for them.  Complete the tasks below before claiming your badge.

Task 1:  With your team discuss the questions outlined in this doc, complete one version to be turned in to the MRS.


Task 2:  Select a challenging TEK for your students and pair it with technology at the Transformation level that will enhance student engagement, understanding and provide them with schema or opportunities that they would not otherwise have. How can you hack that lesson?  Where are there opportunities to integrate digital citizenship and leadership?


Bonus Task:  Read A.J. Juliani's Artice "EdTech Hype Cycle." Consider adding technology objectives to your lesson plans this year.  Before you allow students to use technology ask WHY?  What is the purpose?  Keeping your learning goals first will only improve learning for all in your classroom.

Claim your Badge

Please complete this brief survey to help TLC and future technology professional development improve and then download and save a copy of the SAMR Teacher badge. or visit Credly to claim your badge (claim code: 5A1-2642-7F3)  Visit the Show Off page to learn about ideas of how to share the badges you earn.   Consider leaving comments below with additional questions, tips for others or feedback that was not included in the survey.

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